The Top-Level Context

The Top-Level Context — The top level application context.


CoglBool            cogl_is_context                     (void *object);
CoglContext *       cogl_context_new                    (CoglDisplay *display,
                                                         CoglError **error);
CoglDisplay *       cogl_context_get_display            (CoglContext *context);

enum                CoglFeatureID;
CoglBool            cogl_has_feature                    (CoglContext *context,
                                                         CoglFeatureID feature);
CoglBool            cogl_has_features                   (CoglContext *context,
void                (*CoglFeatureCallback)              (CoglFeatureID feature,
                                                         void *user_data);
void                cogl_foreach_feature                (CoglContext *context,
                                                         CoglFeatureCallback callback,
                                                         void *user_data);

void                cogl_push_matrix                    (void);
void                cogl_pop_matrix                     (void);
void                cogl_scale                          (float x,
                                                         float y,
                                                         float z);
void                cogl_translate                      (float x,
                                                         float y,
                                                         float z);
void                cogl_rotate                         (float angle,
                                                         float x,
                                                         float y,
                                                         float z);
void                cogl_transform                      (const CoglMatrix *matrix);
void                cogl_frustum                        (float left,
                                                         float right,
                                                         float bottom,
                                                         float top,
                                                         float z_near,
                                                         float z_far);
void                cogl_perspective                    (float fovy,
                                                         float aspect,
                                                         float z_near,
                                                         float z_far);
void                cogl_ortho                          (float left,
                                                         float right,
                                                         float bottom,
                                                         float top,
                                                         float near,
                                                         float far);

void                cogl_get_modelview_matrix           (CoglMatrix *matrix);
void                cogl_set_modelview_matrix           (CoglMatrix *matrix);
void                cogl_get_projection_matrix          (CoglMatrix *matrix);
void                cogl_set_projection_matrix          (CoglMatrix *matrix);
void                cogl_set_viewport                   (int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height);
void                cogl_get_viewport                   (float v[4]);

void                cogl_set_source                     (void *material);
void                cogl_set_source_color               (const CoglColor *color);
void                cogl_set_source_color4ub            (uint8_t red,
                                                         uint8_t green,
                                                         uint8_t blue,
                                                         uint8_t alpha);
void                cogl_set_source_color4f             (float red,
                                                         float green,
                                                         float blue,
                                                         float alpha);
void                cogl_set_source_texture             (CoglTexture *texture);
void *              cogl_get_source                     (void);
void                cogl_push_source                    (void *material);
void                cogl_pop_source                     (void);

void                cogl_clear                          (const CoglColor *color,
                                                         unsigned long  buffers);

enum                CoglReadPixelsFlags;
void                cogl_read_pixels                    (int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         CoglReadPixelsFlags source,
                                                         CoglPixelFormat format,
                                                         uint8_t *pixels);

void                cogl_flush                          (void);


A CoglContext is the top most sandbox of Cogl state for an application or toolkit. Its main purpose is to act as a sandbox for the memory management of state objects. Normally an application will only create a single context since there is no way to share resources between contexts.

For those familiar with OpenGL or perhaps Cairo it should be understood that unlike these APIs a Cogl context isn't a rendering context as such. In other words Cogl doesn't aim to provide a state machine style model for configuring rendering parameters. Most rendering state in Cogl is directly associated with user managed objects called pipelines and geometry is drawn with a specific pipeline object to a framebuffer object and those 3 things fully define the state for drawing. This is an important part of Cogl's design since it helps you write orthogonal rendering components that can all access the same GPU without having to worry about what state other components have left you with.


Cogl does not maintain internal references to the context for resources that depend on the context so applications. This is to help applications control the lifetime a context without us needing to introduce special api to handle the breakup of internal circular references due to internal resources and caches associated with the context.

One a context has been destroyed then all directly or indirectly dependant resources will be in an inconsistent state and should not be manipulated or queried in any way.

For applications that rely on the operating system to clean up resources this policy shouldn't affect them, but for applications that need to carefully destroy and re-create Cogl contexts multiple times throughout their lifetime (such as Android applications) they should be careful to destroy all context dependant resources, such as framebuffers or textures etc before unrefing and destroying the context.



typedef struct _CoglContext CoglContext;

cogl_is_context ()

CoglBool            cogl_is_context                     (void *object);

Gets whether the given object references an existing context object.

object :

An object or NULL

Returns :

TRUE if the object references a CoglContext, FALSE otherwise

Since 1.10

Stability Level: Unstable

cogl_context_new ()

CoglContext *       cogl_context_new                    (CoglDisplay *display,
                                                         CoglError **error);

Creates a new CoglContext which acts as an application sandbox for any state objects that are allocated.

display :

A CoglDisplay pointer. [allow-none]

error :

A CoglError return location.

Returns :

A newly allocated CoglContext. [transfer full]

Since 1.8

Stability Level: Unstable

cogl_context_get_display ()

CoglDisplay *       cogl_context_get_display            (CoglContext *context);

Retrieves the CoglDisplay that is internally associated with the given context. This will return the same CoglDisplay that was passed to cogl_context_new() or if NULL was passed to cogl_context_new() then this function returns a pointer to the display that was automatically setup internally.

context :

A CoglContext pointer

Returns :

The CoglDisplay associated with the given context. [transfer none]

Since 1.8

Stability Level: Unstable

enum CoglFeatureID

typedef enum {
} CoglFeatureID;

All the capabilities that can vary between different GPUs supported by Cogl. Applications that depend on any of these features should explicitly check for them using cogl_has_feature() or cogl_has_features().


The hardware supports non power of two textures, but you also need to check the COGL_FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_NPOT_MIPMAP and COGL_FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_NPOT_REPEAT features to know if the hardware supports npot texture mipmaps or repeat modes other than COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE respectively.


Mipmapping is supported in conjuntion with non power of two textures.


Repeat modes other than COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE are supported by the hardware.


Non power of two textures are supported by the hardware. This is a equivalent to the COGL_FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_NPOT_BASIC, COGL_FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_NPOT_MIPMAP and COGL_FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_NPOT_REPEAT features combined.


Support for rectangular textures with non-normalized texture coordinates.


3D texture support


GLSL support


ARBFP support


Offscreen rendering support


Multisample support for offscreen framebuffers


Multiple onscreen framebuffers supported.


Set if COGL_INDICES_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT is supported in cogl_indices_new().


cogl_pipeline_set_depth_range() support


Whether cogl_pipeline_set_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled() is supported.


Whether cogl_buffer_map() is supported with CoglBufferAccess including read support.


Whether cogl_buffer_map() is supported with CoglBufferAccess including write support.




Available if the window system supports reporting an event for swap buffer completions.


Whether creating new GLES2 contexts is suported.


Whether CoglFramebuffer support rendering the depth buffer to a texture.


Whether frame presentation time stamps will be recorded in CoglFrameInfo objects.



Whether cogl_point_size_in can be used as an attribute to set a per-vertex point size.


Support for COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_RG as the internal components of a texture.


Available if the age of CoglOnscreen back buffers are tracked and so cogl_onscreen_get_buffer_age() can be expected to return age values other than 0.

Since 1.10

cogl_has_feature ()

CoglBool            cogl_has_feature                    (CoglContext *context,
                                                         CoglFeatureID feature);

Checks if a given feature is currently available

Cogl does not aim to be a lowest common denominator API, it aims to expose all the interesting features of GPUs to application which means applications have some responsibility to explicitly check that certain features are available before depending on them.

context :

A CoglContext pointer

feature :

A CoglFeatureID

Returns :

TRUE if the feature is currently supported or FALSE if not.

Since 1.10

Stability Level: Unstable

cogl_has_features ()

CoglBool            cogl_has_features                   (CoglContext *context,

Checks if a list of features are all currently available.

This checks all of the listed features using cogl_has_feature() and returns TRUE if all the features are available or FALSE otherwise.

context :

A CoglContext pointer

... :

A 0 terminated list of CoglFeatureIDs

Returns :

TRUE if all the features are available, FALSE otherwise.

Since 1.10

Stability Level: Unstable

CoglFeatureCallback ()

void                (*CoglFeatureCallback)              (CoglFeatureID feature,
                                                         void *user_data);

A callback used with cogl_foreach_feature() for enumerating all context level features supported by Cogl.

feature :

A single feature currently supported by Cogl

user_data :

A private pointer passed to cogl_foreach_feature().

Since 0.10

Stability Level: Unstable

cogl_foreach_feature ()

void                cogl_foreach_feature                (CoglContext *context,
                                                         CoglFeatureCallback callback,
                                                         void *user_data);

Iterates through all the context level features currently supported for a given context and for each feature callback is called.

context :

A CoglContext pointer

callback :

A CoglFeatureCallback called for each supported feature. [scope call]

user_data :

Private data to pass to the callback. [closure]

Since 1.10

Stability Level: Unstable

cogl_push_matrix ()

void                cogl_push_matrix                    (void);


cogl_push_matrix has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_push_matrix() instead

Stores the current model-view matrix on the matrix stack. The matrix can later be restored with cogl_pop_matrix().

cogl_pop_matrix ()

void                cogl_pop_matrix                     (void);


cogl_pop_matrix has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_pop_matrix() instead

Restores the current model-view matrix from the matrix stack.

cogl_scale ()

void                cogl_scale                          (float x,
                                                         float y,
                                                         float z);


cogl_scale has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_pop_matrix() instead

Multiplies the current model-view matrix by one that scales the x, y and z axes by the given values.

x :

Amount to scale along the x-axis

y :

Amount to scale along the y-axis

z :

Amount to scale along the z-axis

cogl_translate ()

void                cogl_translate                      (float x,
                                                         float y,
                                                         float z);


cogl_translate has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_translate() instead

Multiplies the current model-view matrix by one that translates the model along all three axes according to the given values.

x :

Distance to translate along the x-axis

y :

Distance to translate along the y-axis

z :

Distance to translate along the z-axis

cogl_rotate ()

void                cogl_rotate                         (float angle,
                                                         float x,
                                                         float y,
                                                         float z);


cogl_rotate has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_rotate() instead

Multiplies the current model-view matrix by one that rotates the model around the vertex specified by x, y and z. The rotation follows the right-hand thumb rule so for example rotating by 10 degrees about the vertex (0, 0, 1) causes a small counter-clockwise rotation.

angle :

Angle in degrees to rotate.

x :

X-component of vertex to rotate around.

y :

Y-component of vertex to rotate around.

z :

Z-component of vertex to rotate around.

cogl_transform ()

void                cogl_transform                      (const CoglMatrix *matrix);


cogl_transform has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_transform() instead

Multiplies the current model-view matrix by the given matrix.

matrix :

the matrix to multiply with the current model-view

Since 1.4

cogl_frustum ()

void                cogl_frustum                        (float left,
                                                         float right,
                                                         float bottom,
                                                         float top,
                                                         float z_near,
                                                         float z_far);


cogl_frustum has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_frustum() instead

Replaces the current projection matrix with a perspective matrix for a given viewing frustum defined by 4 side clip planes that all cross through the origin and 2 near and far clip planes.

left :

X position of the left clipping plane where it intersects the near clipping plane

right :

X position of the right clipping plane where it intersects the near clipping plane

bottom :

Y position of the bottom clipping plane where it intersects the near clipping plane

top :

Y position of the top clipping plane where it intersects the near clipping plane

z_near :

The distance to the near clipping plane (Must be positive)

z_far :

The distance to the far clipping plane (Must be positive)

Since 0.8.2

cogl_perspective ()

void                cogl_perspective                    (float fovy,
                                                         float aspect,
                                                         float z_near,
                                                         float z_far);


cogl_perspective has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_perspective() instead

Replaces the current projection matrix with a perspective matrix based on the provided values.


You should be careful not to have to great a z_far / z_near ratio since that will reduce the effectiveness of depth testing since there wont be enough precision to identify the depth of objects near to each other.

fovy :

Vertical field of view angle in degrees.

aspect :

The (width over height) aspect ratio for display

z_near :

The distance to the near clipping plane (Must be positive)

z_far :

The distance to the far clipping plane (Must be positive)

cogl_ortho ()

void                cogl_ortho                          (float left,
                                                         float right,
                                                         float bottom,
                                                         float top,
                                                         float near,
                                                         float far);


cogl_ortho has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_orthographic() instead

Replaces the current projection matrix with an orthographic projection matrix. See Figure 1, “” to see how the matrix is calculated.

Figure 1. 


This function copies the arguments from OpenGL's glOrtho() even though they are unnecessarily confusing due to the z near and z far arguments actually being a "distance" from the origin, where negative values are behind the viewer, instead of coordinates for the z clipping planes which would have been consistent with the left, right bottom and top arguments.

left :

The coordinate for the left clipping plane

right :

The coordinate for the right clipping plane

bottom :

The coordinate for the bottom clipping plane

top :

The coordinate for the top clipping plane

near :

The distance to the near clipping plane (negative if the plane is behind the viewer)

far :

The distance for the far clipping plane (negative if the plane is behind the viewer)

Since 1.0

cogl_get_modelview_matrix ()

void                cogl_get_modelview_matrix           (CoglMatrix *matrix);


cogl_get_modelview_matrix has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_get_modelview_matrix() instead

Stores the current model-view matrix in matrix.

matrix :

return location for the model-view matrix. [out]

cogl_set_modelview_matrix ()

void                cogl_set_modelview_matrix           (CoglMatrix *matrix);


cogl_set_modelview_matrix has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_set_modelview_matrix() instead

Loads matrix as the new model-view matrix.

matrix :

the new model-view matrix

cogl_get_projection_matrix ()

void                cogl_get_projection_matrix          (CoglMatrix *matrix);


cogl_get_projection_matrix has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_get_projection_matrix() instead

Stores the current projection matrix in matrix.

matrix :

return location for the projection matrix. [out]

cogl_set_projection_matrix ()

void                cogl_set_projection_matrix          (CoglMatrix *matrix);


cogl_set_projection_matrix has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_set_projection_matrix() instead

Loads matrix as the new projection matrix.

matrix :

the new projection matrix

cogl_set_viewport ()

void                cogl_set_viewport                   (int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height);


cogl_set_viewport has been deprecated since version 1.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_set_viewport() instead

Replaces the current viewport with the given values.

x :

X offset of the viewport

y :

Y offset of the viewport

width :

Width of the viewport

height :

Height of the viewport

Since 1.2

cogl_get_viewport ()

void                cogl_get_viewport                   (float v[4]);


cogl_get_viewport has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_get_viewport4fv() instead

Stores the current viewport in v. v[0] and v[1] get the x and y position of the viewport and v[2] and v[3] get the width and height.

v :

pointer to a 4 element array of floats to receive the viewport dimensions. [out][array fixed-size=4]

cogl_set_source ()

void                cogl_set_source                     (void *material);


cogl_set_source has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

This function changes the material at the top of the source stack. The material at the top of this stack defines the GPU state used to process subsequent primitives, such as rectangles drawn with cogl_rectangle() or vertices drawn using cogl_vertex_buffer_draw().

material :

A CoglMaterial

Since 1.0

cogl_set_source_color ()

void                cogl_set_source_color               (const CoglColor *color);


cogl_set_source_color has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

This is a convenience function for creating a solid fill source material from the given color. This color will be used for any subsequent drawing operation.

The color will be premultiplied by Cogl, so the color should be non-premultiplied. For example: use (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) for semi-transparent red.

See also cogl_set_source_color4ub() and cogl_set_source_color4f() if you already have the color components.

color :

a CoglColor

Since 1.0

cogl_set_source_color4ub ()

void                cogl_set_source_color4ub            (uint8_t red,
                                                         uint8_t green,
                                                         uint8_t blue,
                                                         uint8_t alpha);


cogl_set_source_color4ub has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

This is a convenience function for creating a solid fill source material from the given color using unsigned bytes for each component. This color will be used for any subsequent drawing operation.

The value for each component is an unsigned byte in the range between 0 and 255.

red :

value of the red channel, between 0 and 255

green :

value of the green channel, between 0 and 255

blue :

value of the blue channel, between 0 and 255

alpha :

value of the alpha channel, between 0 and 255

Since 1.0

cogl_set_source_color4f ()

void                cogl_set_source_color4f             (float red,
                                                         float green,
                                                         float blue,
                                                         float alpha);


cogl_set_source_color4f has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

This is a convenience function for creating a solid fill source material from the given color using normalized values for each component. This color will be used for any subsequent drawing operation.

The value for each component is a fixed point number in the range between 0 and 1.0. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.

red :

value of the red channel, between 0 and 1.0

green :

value of the green channel, between 0 and 1.0

blue :

value of the blue channel, between 0 and 1.0

alpha :

value of the alpha channel, between 0 and 1.0

Since 1.0

cogl_set_source_texture ()

void                cogl_set_source_texture             (CoglTexture *texture);


cogl_set_source_texture has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

This is a convenience function for creating a material with the first layer set to texture and setting that material as the source with cogl_set_source.

Note: There is no interaction between calls to cogl_set_source_color and cogl_set_source_texture. If you need to blend a texture with a color then you can create a simple material like this:

material = cogl_material_new ();
cogl_material_set_color4ub (material, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80);
cogl_material_set_layer (material, 0, tex_handle);
cogl_set_source (material);

texture :

The CoglTexture you want as your source

Since 1.0

cogl_get_source ()

void *              cogl_get_source                     (void);


cogl_get_source has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

Returns the current source material as previously set using cogl_set_source().


You should typically consider the returned material immutable and not try to change any of its properties unless you own a reference to that material. At times you may be able to get a reference to an internally managed materials and the result of modifying such materials is undefined.

Returns :

The current source material.

Since 1.6

cogl_push_source ()

void                cogl_push_source                    (void *material);


cogl_push_source has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

Pushes the given material to the top of the source stack. The material at the top of this stack defines the GPU state used to process later primitives as defined by cogl_set_source().

material :

A CoglMaterial

Since 1.6

cogl_pop_source ()

void                cogl_pop_source                     (void);


cogl_pop_source has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Latest drawing apis all take an explicit CoglPipeline argument so this stack of CoglMaterials shouldn't be used.

Removes the material at the top of the source stack. The material at the top of this stack defines the GPU state used to process later primitives as defined by cogl_set_source().

Since 1.6

cogl_clear ()

void                cogl_clear                          (const CoglColor *color,
                                                         unsigned long  buffers);


cogl_clear has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_clear() api instead

Clears all the auxiliary buffers identified in the buffers mask, and if that includes the color buffer then the specified color is used.

color :

Background color to clear to

buffers :

A mask of CoglBufferBit's identifying which auxiliary buffers to clear

enum CoglReadPixelsFlags

typedef enum {
 /*< prefix=COGL_READ_PIXELS >*/
} CoglReadPixelsFlags;

Flags for cogl_framebuffer_read_pixels_into_bitmap()


Read from the color buffer

Since 1.0

cogl_read_pixels ()

void                cogl_read_pixels                    (int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         CoglReadPixelsFlags source,
                                                         CoglPixelFormat format,
                                                         uint8_t *pixels);


cogl_read_pixels has been deprecated since version 1.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use cogl_framebuffer_read_pixels() instead

This reads a rectangle of pixels from the current framebuffer where position (0, 0) is the top left. The pixel at (x, y) is the first read, and the data is returned with a rowstride of (width * 4).

Currently Cogl assumes that the framebuffer is in a premultiplied format so if format is non-premultiplied it will convert it. To read the pixel values without any conversion you should either specify a format that doesn't use an alpha channel or use one of the formats ending in PRE.

x :

The window x position to start reading from

y :

The window y position to start reading from

width :

The width of the rectangle you want to read

height :

The height of the rectangle you want to read

source :

Identifies which auxillary buffer you want to read (only COGL_READ_PIXELS_COLOR_BUFFER supported currently)

format :

The pixel format you want the result in (only COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 supported currently)

pixels :

The location to write the pixel data.

cogl_flush ()

void                cogl_flush                          (void);

This function should only need to be called in exceptional circumstances.

As an optimization Cogl drawing functions may batch up primitives internally, so if you are trying to use raw GL outside of Cogl you stand a better chance of being successful if you ask Cogl to flush any batched geometry before making your state changes.

It only ensure that the underlying driver is issued all the commands necessary to draw the batched primitives. It provides no guarantees about when the driver will complete the rendering.

This provides no guarantees about the GL state upon returning and to avoid confusing Cogl you should aim to restore any changes you make before resuming use of Cogl.

If you are making state changes with the intention of affecting Cogl drawing primitives you are 100% on your own since you stand a good chance of conflicting with Cogl internals. For example clutter-gst which currently uses direct GL calls to bind ARBfp programs will very likely break when Cogl starts to use ARBfb programs itself for the material API.

Since 1.0